Perfect pantry

Pantry traditional kitchen

Is this just the most PERFECT pantry on the planet, I would kill to have something so gorgeous in my dream home...
Dream Pantry kitchen

I love how organised this one looks, all of those perfectly matched storage jars, lined up so so neatly... the kids would soon spoil this image!!!
Traditional with a Twist traditional kitchen

I love these pull out pantry units, very practical & space efficient.

There is a pantry style to suit every home & budget, I guess the most important thing is knowing how to make your allocated space work well for you.
Knowing what you want to keep in your pantry, who is going to be using it & does it need to be visually appealing ,or can you close a door & hide your clutter from the world.

I like the idea of lots of open shelves with matching storage containers to give an organised & tidy feel, even after the kids have been.
I would like some hooks to hang the school bags from. A message board & calender to keep track of our daily activities & school notes, without cluttering up the kitchen,  a place to hang a broom & dust pan. Perhaps a few baskets for tea towels & place mats, rather than keeping them in the linen cupboard.

What sort of pantry do you have or dream of having?

Trish xxx


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