Desert Wing Residence-Contemporer Style in Arizona

Designed by Kendle Design Collaborative the Desert Wing striking modern architecture project, located in Scottsdale, State of residence Arizona.Dizayn called inspired by the minimalist tastes of the owners and their environmental responsibility. Focused on a nearby lake, views are enhanced by floor to ceiling windows, which responds to the wishes of the owners to "see through your house with a high level of confidentiality "There is more information on the architects, together with a new loan : Features include rammedearth walls, extensive use of glass -making views , windows that open house to "breath" and increase the cloud covered with copper, which seems to float around the house. East garden courtyards provide privacy and promote outdoor life. Landscaping is done in collaboration with sex and Associates. The interior design has been made ​​in collaboration with Jack Wosniak and is characterized by simplicity and elegance.


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