Modern Elevated Houses On Stilts

Modern Elevated Houses

Interesting combination of playful and lighthearted in terms of form and colour pallette, while also coming accross as somber and heavy handed in the structure and material category. A big test for this house will be in the way it ages as it has a lot of painted steel, and fabric and integrates trees, or do things not grow old in Never Never land. Overall pretty delightful. 

House in Never Never Land has been built in and among the site’s existing features, with trees growing up through the interiors of some of the rooms. As well as the main house, two rentable cabins sit on the 1300 square-metre site with access via bridges. The main part of the house is supported on a concrete structure while the elevated terraces are supported on a metal frame.

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

Modern Elevated Houses

All photographs are by Miguel de Guzman.


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